
project logo

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Comenius Let the Music Play - Songs and dances 1

Comenius Let the Music Play - Songs and dances 2








Palermo 2011

Project meeting- Candesti-Vale - Dambovita, Romania 6th of Decembre -11nd of Decembre

Let the Music Play



Palermo 3-8 noiembrie 2009


sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011

duminică, 27 iunie 2010

Project meeting- Istanbul, Turkey, 26th of April -2nd of May

The second meeting of the multilateral Comenius project “Let the Music Play” was held in Istanbul, Turkey, at “Gazi Ilköğretim Okulu” School.
We were waited and welcomed with much warmth and enthusiasm by the students and teachers from the partner school in Istanbul, proving once again that they are our friends.

From the Eco School “Matei Gr. Vladeanu”, Candesti-Vale participated in this project meeting 4 teachers and 6 students and from School Principessa Elena di Napoli, Palermo, Sicily, 8 teachers and 4 students.
The project meeting was a real success.

The Romanian students were accommodated in families, having the chance to know their daily life with customs, family activities, religion, family relationships, traditional food and, last but not least, the hospitality of the host families.

The students from partner schools became friends, exchanged impressions and participated together in the activities of the project.

The project activities were very interesting and consisted of visiting the school (primary, secondary and preschool), artistic and cultural activities very well prepared that reflected the culture and traditions of the area, meetings with the headmistress of the school, Mrs. Halime Nisan, with the local authorities of Sultangazi, with representatives of the economic agents in the area, thematic visits to religious and cultural objectives of Istanbul.

We discovered together that we have common points in our concerns for promoting in school and community the traditional music, dances, instruments and folk costumes.

The partners in the project offered to each other products made by the students in their schools (brochures, ceramic objects, painted glass, drawings, DVDs with presentations of the schools, of the countries, folk costumes, traditional music, specific dances, UNICEF objects made by the students and beautiful gifts with traditional symbols of the regions and countries of origin).

It was chosen from the logos made by the partner countries the most representative one for the project. The student Popescu Ana Maria from Romania was the most inspired and the partners considered that her logo is the most appropriate for the project.

The students and teachers that participated at this meeting were left with a special and beautiful impression about the partner school and the city of Istanbul- city filled with history, at the crossroads of European and Asian influences, Christian and Muslim, which offer it originality.

Our hosts- teachers, local authorities, parents and students have left us a very pleasant impression: they were friendly, always attentive to our needs, willing to share with us their customs traditions, concerns, history and culture of this great and beautiful city-ISTANBUL

miercuri, 9 decembrie 2009


Between 3rd and 8th November took place in Palermo, Sicily the first reunion within the multilateral partnership project “Let the music play”.

The project is coordinated by the school “Principessa Elena di Napoli” from Palermo and partners are the schools “Matei Gr. Vladeanu”, from Candesti ,Dambovita, Romania and ,, Gazi İlköğretim Okulu", from Istanbul, Turkey.
This project proposes MUSIC as a vehicle of integration and communication that goes beyond the linguistic, geographic, religious and politic barriers.

For the partners, this first reunion was a very good opportunity to know each other and establish the details for the materialization of a successful project. Our welcoming in Palermo was special, the Italian and Turkish colleagues were very friendly and the pupils and their parents were well impressed by our visit in their schools.
We visited the schools of our partner from Palermo (the primary and secondary school), the students received us warmly, with little flags specific to each country of the project and with welcoming messages. We participated at the activities made by the students from these schools, we made documentary visits in the city of Palermo and we also visited the administrative institutions of the sicilian region.

We worked on the project, we established the activities that will be made in the project, their ways of presentation and deployment, the date of the next project meeting, we presented and offered to our partners materials made by the students and teachers from the project team: photo album with the activities made by Romanian students and teachers, the blog of the project and the blog of the school, the presentation of the school, the presentation of our country, of the Romanian school system, of our customs and traditions, the artistic program of our students which took place with the occasion of different events recently organised by our school.

The partners presented and offered us products made by their students: posters, painted objects from pottery, maps etc. We made all the steps to become an UNICEF school, this chance being materialized in a proposal made in this way by the UNICEF President of the Sicilian region.
It was a well organised, successful reunion, we became friends not only partners of the project and we are convinced that the project will be a success for students, teachers and parents.In perioada 03-08 noiembrie 2009, a avut loc la Palermo Sicilia, prima reuniune din cadrul proiectului de parteneriat multilateral ,,Let the Music Play".

Proiectul este coordonat de scoala Principesa Elena di Napoli din Palermo iar parteneri sunt scolile ,,Matei Gr.Vladeanu", Candesti Dambovita, si ,, Gazi İlköğretim Okulu", Istanbul Turcia.
Acest proiect isi propune ca MUZICA sa fie ca un ,,vehicul de integrare si de comunicare " care merge dincolo de barierele lingvistice, geografice, religioase si politice.
Prima reuniune de proiect a fost pentru parteneri prilejul de a ne cunoaste si de a stabilii detaliile pentru realizarea unui proiect bun. Primirea in Palermo a fost deosebita, colegii italieni si turci au fost foarte prietenosi iar elevii si parintii placut impresionati de vizita noastra la scolile lor.
Am vizitat scolile partenerului din Palermo ( scoala primara si secundara), elevii ne-au intampinat cu multa caldura, cu stegulete specifice tarilor din proiect si mesaje de bun venit.
Am participat la activitatile elevilor din aceste scoli, am realizat vizite de documentare in orasul Palermo si de cunoastere a institutiilor administrative ale regiunii Sicilia.
Am lucrat la proiect, am stabilit activitatile ce vor fi realizate, modalitatile de desfasurare si prezentare, data urmatoarei reuniuni de proiect, am prezentat si oferit partenerilor materialele lucrate de elevi si cadrele didactice din echipa de proiect: album foto cu activitatile desfasurate de elevii si profesorii romani,
blogurile proiectului si scolii, prezentarea scolii, tarii, a sistemului de invatamant romanesc, traditiile si obiceiurile noastre, progamul artistic realizat de elevi cu ocazia diferitelor evenimente recente organizate de scoala.
Partenerii ne-au prezentat si oferit produse realizate de elevi: postere, obiecte ceramice pictate, harti etc. Am facut toate demersurile pentru a deveni scoala UNICEF, sansa aceasta fiind concretizata printr-o propunere in acest sens facuta de presedintele UNICEF al regiunii Sicilia.
A fost o reuniune de proiect bine organizata, reusita, am devenit prieteni si nu doar parteneri de proiect si suntem convinsi ca proiectul va fi o reusita pentru elevi, profesori si parinti.

luni, 14 septembrie 2009

SOMETHING ABOUT THE PROJECT’S ACTIVITIES / Despre activitatile proiectului...

The multilateral project “Let the Music Play” is a project that takes place on a period of two academic years, from 2009 to 2011.
The activities take place as part of the obligatory curriculum or at the decision of the school and as part of the extracurricular activities.
The multilateral project takes place in all the three partner schools at the same time through cooperation, using the Internet as well as the transnational mobility with students and teachers, the minimum number of participants being 24.
The core of this project consists of teachers and students of the project. Of course that into the rewinding of this project the majority of “Matei Gr. Vladeanu” school’s teachers and students will be involved.
As the language of communication within this European project is English, we benefit from the support of the volunteer from Peace Corps, the American teacher Mr. Adam Murphy, and from the support of Mihaela Adolf, English teacher.

Proiectul Multilateral ,,Let The Music Play''se deruleaza pe perioada a doi ani scolari, intre 2009-2011.
Activitatile se desfasoara in cadrul curriculumului obligatoriu sau la decizia scolii si in cadrul activitatilor extrascolare.
Proiectul multilateral se realizeaza in toate cele trei scoli partenere in acelasi timp, prin colaborare, folosind Internetul dar si mobilitatile transnationale cu elevi si profesori, numarul minim al acestor mobilitati fiind de 24.
Nucleul acestui proiect este format din echipa de profesori si elevi a proiectului. Bineinteles in derularea acestui proiect vor fi implicati majoritatea elevilor si profesorilor Scolii Matei Gr. Vladeanu, Candesti- Vale.
Pentru ca limba de comunicare in cadrul acestui proiect european este engleza, beneficiem de sprijinul voluntarului din Corpul Pacii, profesorul american Adam Murphy si al Mihaelei Adolf, profesor de limba engleza.

luni, 7 septembrie 2009

ABOUT THE PROJECT / Despre proiect.......

The multilateral partnership project “Let the Music Play” has been initiated by ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO “PRINCIPESSA ELENA DI NAPOLI” from Palermo, Sicily within the LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME COMENIUS.
The school “Matei Gr. Vladeanu” from Candesti Vale, Dambovita became partner of this project alongside the school ,, Gazi İlköğretim Okulu" from Turkey, after applying and receiving the grant, after the final evaluation made by the National Agency for Communal Programs in the Domain of Education and Professional Forming from Romania. This project proposes music as a way of integration and communication which goes beyond the linguistic, geographic, religious, and politic limits.

Proiectul de parteneriat multilateral ,,Let the Music Play" a fost initiat de ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO “PRINCIPESSA ELENA DI NAPOLI” din Palermo, Sicilia, în cadrul LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME COMENIUS.
Scoala ,,Matei Gr. Vladeanu" Candesti Vale, Dambovita, a devenit partener in acest proiect, alaturi de Scoala ,, Gazi İlköğretim Okulu" din Istanbul Turcia, in urma depunerii formularului de aplicatie si obtinerii grantului, dupa evaluarea realizata de Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale din Romania.
Acest proiect isi propune ca MUZICA sa fie ca un vehicul de integrare si de comunicare care merge dincolo de barierele lingvistice, geografice, religioase si politice.

WHO ARE WE? /Cine suntem?

“Matei Gr. Vladeanu” school is situated in Candesti Vale, the district of Dambovita. Built one century ago, the school works in a community of hardworking people, on the beautiful valley of Dambovita.
Our school’s teachers, a team which “polishes personalities and natures”, are near the children and parents in this not so easy mission.
Together we try to make from this institution an attractive place, a friendly place for the children and parents of our community, a place where we grow up “off-springs” which will bear fruit tomorrow to realize a strong local community.
This is why the school’s team of teachers has involved itself in many national and international school projects and activities.
We look forward for you to join us in this step for the changing of our local and school community!

Scoala Matei Gr. Vladeanu este situata in Candesti -Vale, judetul Dambovita. Construita de un secol, functioneaza intr-o comunitate de oameni gospodari, pe frumoasa vale a Dambovitei.
Dascalii scolii, o echipa care ,,slefuieste personalitati si caractere", sunt alaturi de copii si parinti in acesta misiune nu tocmai usoara.
Incercam sa facem impreuna din aceasta institutie de invatamant, un loc de atractie, prietenos, pentru copiii si parintii din comunitate, un loc unde crestem ,,mladite" ce vor rodi maine, pentru a realiza o comunitate damboviteana puternica.
De aceea, echipa de dascali a scolii s-a implicat in multe proiecte si activitati scolare nationale si internationale.
Va asteptam alaturi de noi in acest demers pentru schimbarea comunitatii scolare si locale!

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